A Custom Closet Turns Your Burke Row House Into a Storage Haven
4 minute read, by Closet America, on Aug 21, 2017
Custom closets can transform even Burke’s smallest homes into functional and fashionable spaces. Here’s how.
Fairfax County is full of suburban areas that are as lovely as they are popular. From the original 1840s Burke Station building to the brand new development in Park Glen, Burke is infused with a lively history and an even more exciting future. Residents who enjoy the farmer’s market in the VRE parking garage every Saturday morning know that out of every DC suburb, Burke might just be the coziest, most welcoming, and family-friendliest of them all.
Every town (and every home) comes with its own unique challenges, and homeowners in Burke’s many row houses understand this conundrum all too well. Filled with a lot of character and very little storage space or square footage, these homes don’t immediately seem like organizational havens. Thankfully, custom closets can transform Burke’s smallest homes into functional and fashionable spaces.
Instantly Double Your Hanging Space
If you could wave a magic wand and magically double the number of lanes on I-395 during the morning rush, wouldn’t you do it? For commuters in Burke who haven’t yet discovered the VRE’s Manassas line or haven’t yet tired of the hour-long commute, an increase in space would really make a huge difference. As silly as the analogy sounds, the same physics is at work in your row house’s reach-in closets.
A custom organization system has the potential to double the amount of storage space you have on hand, which adds incredible value to your home. One of the first ways designers do this is by including dual hanging rods. Unless you have an overabundance of gowns that require a full 6 feet of hanging space, you are sure to benefit from breaking your closet in half with two parallel hanging rods, one at the standard level and one around waist height. This way you can hang just as many slacks and skirts as shirts, all in the same closet.
Store up to the Ceiling
While this tip definitely applies with any closet, I usually recommend this strategy to clients who are renovating their kids’ reach-in closets. With one hanging rod topped with one shelf, the traditional reach-in layout leaves a lot to be desired. You might have plastic bins stacked to the ceiling with your kids’ seasonal items, clothes they’ve outgrown, miscellaneous keepsakes, and an entire childhood’s worth of toys.
Custom design can help transform this teetering, towering mess into a beautifully organized storehouse. Custom shelving lets you take full advantage of every inch of wall space in your kids’ closets and prevents the inevitable closet avalanche that haunts every parent’s nightmares. It’s so much easier to retrieve that winter coat or rain jacket on your way to White Oaks Elementary or Robinson Secondary when your bins are housed in perfectly portioned shelving units.
Drawers Add Extra Convenience
If your Burke row house is a bit short on square footage, you might not have room for a dresser or chest of drawers in each bedroom. While many things can be folded and stored on shelves, some items just need the structured confines of a drawer. Where else are you going to store your golfing hats and gloves for use at Burke Lake Park? To solve this particular predicament, consider adding a drawer or two to your custom closet design.
When you create an organizational system from scratch, you can place anywhere from one to an entire bank of drawers in the closet space. With beautifully dovetailed drawer boxes and soft-close technology, you’ll be shocked at the quality of these custom drawers. An expert designer will help you determine how much drawer space is ideal for your situation and where they would be most functionally placed, and you’ll instantly have the specialized storage space you’ve been missing.
Adding Custom Closets to Your Burke Row House
You can already imagine how custom reach-in closets help you with getting dressed, putting items away, and keeping your space organized. This renovation idea is a serious game changer for Burke’s busiest families and can save you precious time each day. When you’re not so busy keeping your home picked up and put away, your family can spend more time riding the carousel or enjoying the Burke Lake jogging trail together in the best suburb in Virginia.
Interested in starting a new closet project? Reach out to us today to schedule a free design consultation with one of Closet America’s design experts. We’ll work together to create the perfect design for even the smallest of reach-in closets.
Lead image source: Flickr user Baltimore Heritage